BG3 Rename Backpacks – Top 3 Creative Ideas

Creative ideas to 'Rename' Backpacks for a Game like Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)

Are you bumping because you have 10 different bags or BG3 backpacks and you wish you could rename them? In the world of Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3), BG3 rename backpacks- the ability to rename backpacks can be very helpful and smart idea. If you store certain items in different backpacks, it would be super helpful if we could rename them.

Imagine you have a dead goblin in your inventory which you have been using as a storage container. You hate seeing “Sharp Eye Gribgok”, and you just wanna rename him “D-umb Idio-t”, so the question is: how can you rename your BG3 backpacks?

Can you rename BG3 Backpacks?

Maybe your campsite chest is so full and its annoying, so you started categorising things like potions, scrolls, random books, armour to sell, crap weapons to sell, magic weapons to keep, things to feed gale, magic armour into different backpacks, pouches, chests, sacks etc, but you keep having to open them to see what’s what. That’s where BG3 rename backpacks comes to mind.

So, how can you rename BG3 backpacks?

Unfortunately, you cannot directly rename backpacks in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) yet. The game currently doesn’t offer a built-in feature for customizing item names beyond pre-set labels like “Backpack #1”.

However, there are a few workarounds and creative alternatives you can try:

1. Mods

If you’re comfortable with mods, there are community-created custom UI mods that can adjust the appearance of various UI elements in BG3, including item icons. Some of these mods might allow you to change the color of backpack icons, although specific capabilities vary and might require some technical knowledge to implement.

Colour Shading or Autosorting

I’d love it if there was a way to color BG3 backpacks, i.e dye them. I’d settle for a variety of colour shading on the icons, but I completely agree that renaming BG3 backpacks would be amazing. Autosorting would be a dream come true! While renaming backpacks would be truly awesome, even smaller additions like color shading or auto-sorting would improve the inventory management experience in BG3 significantly.

Talking about auto-sorting, sorting by type (weapons, armor, potions, etc.) or alphabetically would be a huge convenience.
No more manually organizing your inventory after every loot spree!

Ideally, we’d have a combination of these features:

  • Rename BG3 backpacks for personal flair and storytelling.
  • Color-code icons for quick categorization.
  • Auto-sort based on various criteria for efficient organization.

This would truly create a streamlined and enjoyable inventory management experience in BG3.

Unfortunately, you cannot directly change the color of backpack icons in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) at this time. The game doesn’t offer any built-in options for customizing item appearances beyond pre-set visuals.

However, there are a couple of possible workarounds and alternatives:

2. External Tools

Tools like icon replacers or texture mods might offer another avenue for adjusting item appearances. These tools typically involve replacing the game’s original icon files with custom ones you download or create. Again, this route can be more technical and may require troubleshooting.

3. Visual Cues

While you can’t directly change the color of icons, you can still use visual cues within the game itself to differentiate backpacks. For example:

Hover Names

Pay attention to the item’s hover name to understand its contents and function. This can help you quickly identify which backpack to use without relying solely on icons. Talk about your backpacks in-character and give them nicknames based on their contents or your adventures.


Sort your backpacks into different containers based on their purpose (potions, weapons, etc.). This will visually organize them and make choosing the right one easier.

Different shades could help categorize backpacks at a glance. Green for potions, brown for weapons, purple for magical items, etc.

This would save time spent hovering over each backpack to see its contents. Sort your backpacks based on their contents and assign them descriptive names like “Potion Pouch” or “Adventurer’s Gearpack.”

Descriptive Labeling

While you can’t rename backpacks within the game, you can use the label description field to write in your own custom names. This won’t change the on-screen display, but it will let you see your custom names when hovering over the backpack in your inventory.

So, use the label description field (if available) to write custom names for your backpacks. This won’t change the icon but can add a helpful visual reminder of their contents.

Remember: Using mods or external tools carries some risks, especially if you’re new to modding. Make sure to back up your game files before implementing any changes and research any potential compatibility issues.

While an official color-shading feature would be fantastic, these workarounds and creative solutions can still help you manage your inventory more effectively and visually distinguish your prized backpacks in BG3.

Perhaps we can send these suggestions to the Baldur’s Gate 3 developers! The more voices they hear, the more likely they are to consider implementing these improvements. In the meantime, let’s enjoy the game and continue dreaming of a more customizable backpack future.

Aside from BG3 rename backpacks, many users would also like to be able to mark the map so they can remember places to go back to, seems reasonable to be able to mark your map. You can add markers and write notes alongside them limited character space, but it’s enough to get a few words out of it.

While the lack of a built-in renaming feature might be frustrating, these workarounds and creative solutions can still add a touch of personalization and immersion to your BG3 experience. Hopefully, the developers will consider adding an official renaming feature in future updates.

Hopefully, the developers will consider adding official customization options for item appearances in future updates!

What You Will Find In This Comprehensive Backpack Guide

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